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Indian Gurukul System and New Education Policy: A Comparative Study By Dr. Swati Kendurkar, SICA College, Indore

Indian Gurukul System and New Education Policy: A Comparative Study

Introduction: Today's society should Seriously take care of the younger generation Deficiencies from a moral, ethical, spiritual and Dharma perspective value. Increased parental pressures on children, Stressful Anxiety Rate Focusing on Competitive Exams alone have the most impact on young people. They really need some support from education system.


Gurukul was a residential schooling system whose origin dates back to around 5000 BC in the Indian subcontinent. It was more prevalent during the Vedic age where students were taught various subjects and about how to live a cultured and disciplined life. Gurukul was actually the home of teacher or Acharya and was the centre of learning where pupils resided till their education got complete. All were considered equal at the Gurukul and guru (teacher) as well as shisya (student) resided in the same house or lived near to each other. However, the student had to offer a gurudakshina which was a token of respect paid to the teacher. It was mainly in the form of money or a special task that the student had to perform for the teacher.

The GuruKul education system has existed for a long time. Where students lived and learned at Gurukul and their gurus work on to scenario creation where they find a solution later to the actual problem. Emotional bond between gurus and shishya was essential before they practiced teaching and learning. The guru conveyed this knowledge Religion, Sanskrit, writing, medicine, philosophy, Literature, war, national capture, astrology, history, and much more plus. Learning wasn't just about reading books; it was also about correlating with nature and life. It was not a memory of a particular fact and write down the numbers and the answer to the exam. India's education system’s highest purpose of life is self-actualization, which is why he meant it be unique in many ways in the world, as society did not interfere with the curriculum or regulate payment of fees or class hours. There is no fixed time of teaching, 24 hours shishya was in learning phase, some time they did not even know they are grasping some new valuable inputs from Gurus.




Benefits of studying at Gurukura :-.  

Gurukul teachers convey knowledge regarding Hinduism to them means the Vedas and practical life vision. Its main purpose is make them good and teach them people value. So in Gurukul, human values ​​are very much important.

Their education system was different from today, Gurukul'seducation system helps to improve student personality.

The method of communication was "Sanskrit”. The lessons were learned in Sanskrit. they

Make them culturally sensitive and traditional promote Hindu tradition with virtue. Students develop their skills more effectively. They are more disciplined


Benefits of NEP 2020

The ultimate aim of this education policy is to establish India as a Knowledge leader.

This policy aims to restructure the school's curriculum and teaching methods into a new design. This makes school education related to the needs and interests of learners at various developmental stages.

The Government of India will establish the Gender Inclusion Fund to provide quality and equitable education to all transgender girls and students. The state will use this fund to implement central government policies to support women and transgender students, including bathroom facilities, sanitary facilities, conditional cash transfers, and bicycles. This fund enables states to support community-based interventions.

This policy indicates the establishment of a "school complex" within a radius of 5-10 km, consisting of a secondary school and other schools offering lower education degrees, including the Angan Wadi Center. Such a complex will "improve the resource efficiency of schools within the group and make it more effective in managing, coordinating, leadership, managing and governance."

Similarity and Differences


Both Indian Gurukul System and NEP focuses on Holistic development of students , Indian wisdom, flexibility, blending mode of teaching.

Both spokes about overall development of students.

Both have well framed activity chart for teaching and learning.


Gurukul system is for 24 hours, but NEP is for maximum 10 hours in day.

Guru decides in Gurukul system that what to be learned by which student, but in NEP choice is of students.

Implementation part is much easy as compare to NEP.

Guru having supreme knowledge as they regularly practicing Vedas and involved in practical activities like “Yagya but in now there are no gurus there are teachers, who need to be transformed into Guru for implementing the NEP.


NEP 2020 is in implementation phase, and the ultimate aim of this is to make India as Viswaguru in the field of education and wisdom, as it was earlier.

It is also a fact that there is huge difference in past and present scenario, so Gurukul system cannot be implemented as it is, but a teacher should learn from Gurukul Gurus that how to understand the ability of every student, as every student is different. 

The effectiveness of the policy depends on its implementation. For such an implementation multiple initiatives and actions should be executed in a synchronized manner by multiple institutions, by a systematic method. Therefore, the implementation of this policy is guided by different organizations, including MHRD, CABE, state and trade union governments, and education-related ministries,Ministry of Education, Council, NTA, School and Higher Education Regulatory Authority, by NCERT, SCERT, higher education institutions, and timelines and revision plansPolicy is implemented in its spirit and intent through coherence of planning and synergies in all these organizations involved in education.





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