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“The pursuit of happiness” by Dr. Taranjeet Sood, Principal, SICA College, Indore

 The pursuit of happiness 


Are you Happy? How many times do you ask this question to yourself or your loved ones? Isn’t it true that we all want to be happy but don’t know how to go about it?

Let us look at some simple habits that can go a long way towards achieving this goal.

Habit 1 : Enjoy the little things - 

Like a meaningful conversation, a good meal, a breath of fresh air,  stop and enjoy each and every moment.

Habit 2 : Exercise - 

The natural high from the release of endorphins, triggers a positive feeling in the body. This has a huge effect on our mental health. It relieves stress and impress memory.

Habit 3 : Choose friends carefully - 

Spend time with positive people. They build our confidence and spending time with them is more fun too. 

Habit 4 : Stay positive - 

Look at the brighter side of things and practice gratitude.

Habit 5 : Make sleep a priority - 

Our brain and bodies gets recharged when we sleep .

Habit 6 : Help others - 

It helps us appreciate everything we have rather than what we don’t. 

Habit 7 : Make an effort - 

No one is happy all the time, but happy people consciously make decisions with their happiness in mind. 

To sum up, its not difficult to be happy, once we decide to be so.


  1. Everyone wants to be happy.
    These few things are very important which is shared by you
    thankyou so much Ma'am 🙏🏻😍

  2. Very nice ma'am, Thank you for sharing such important points.


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