Positive Attitude Winston Churchill said “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” By Prof Pratibha Saraswat, SICA College, Indore
Positive Attitude Winston Churchill said “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Positive attitude is a very important thing that we all must have. It is just not about smiling or joking around. T hat is only the surface. The real positive attitude is a way of life, a part of our personality. Our approach to life from a positive point of view can reap us many benefits. We learn throughout the life but our knowledge and experience that we gain in our youth dete rmines the direction of our lives . As a student you should not fear and experiment to find new vistas and fields. Life is a mix of everything good and bad. So you should be prepared for both the aspects . Failure is something that everyone encounters at one time or the other in his/ her life. We cannot stop moving in life because of the fear of failure. The true approach would be to learn from the failures and be wise after learning from it. Thomas Edison once s...