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Building life with Mathematics by Dr. Sandhya Gupta, SICA College, Indore


Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of human spirit.”

                                                                 -Stefan Banach

Mathematics is something to be loved and not feared. If taught well, one is able to observe the beauty of Maths in all its aspects. Maths is a part of our life in one form or the other. Just an observation is needed to know it. I am Dr. Sandhya Gupta, Assistant Professor (Maths) in SICA College Indore.

I have experience in teaching Mathematics for the past 20 years and I am associated with SICA from past 6 years. Mathematics is a part of Science or group of subjects related to Science which deals with the logic of quantities, shapes, arrangements, process, rules and symbols. It is an interesting subject if you understand the concept. Each topic provides the optimum amount of knowledge as required. We explain basic concepts through attractive examples and along with that many exercises on practice are added separately for all grades of students to improve their knowledge. High quality teaching is the single most important factor for raising student's achievement. One of the things that we are really passionate about in our classrooms is helping our students in developing new thinking skills and strategies. I personally love teaching Mathematics and sharing my ideas, thoughts and passions with others.

At SICA College, for practical knowledge we organize quiz,workshops and visits to places of interest. This year Department of Science organized a workshop of Basic Computer for the students of all streams. Science Department celebrated Science Day and Mathematics Day to aware students of our prestigious Mathematicians and their achievements. On Science Day we organized a visit to Jimmy McGilligan Centre for Awareness of Sustainable development that provided our students an opportunity to interact with the Padma Shree awardee Janak Palta McGilligan. On the occasion of Mathematics Day, a movie was shown to students on Srinivasa Ramanujan, the great Indian Mathematician. Our effort is always to teach students in impressive and innovative ways.

It is always our effort to be updated with new technology and use modern ICT technologies while teaching. Our students have also tried to do their best and have qualified in IIT-JAM and NIMCET. For their higher studies they have joined IIT Tirupati, IIT Guwahati, NIT Karnataka Surathkal and NIT Raipur. It gives me an immense pleasure when I watch my students doing well in their careers.

We try to make Mathematics interesting so as to remove the fear of maths from the minds of students. I would like to say that Maths is fun and it should not be feared. Maths is applicable in all the facets of life. We try to relate maths with day to day activities so as to make their concepts more clear and easy to understand. I would like to close with a quote by William Paul Thurston “Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms: it is about understanding”.


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